Privacy Policy


An update to our policy

Pleins Rayons follows the evolution of confidentiality policies and guarantees the protection of personal information by following Law 25. The law stipulates that only authorized employees working in the organization have the right to consult the confidential information of an apprentice or member. The information is protected by the person responsible, Myriam De Coussergues, director of administration. For any questions or concerns regarding the confidentiality of your information, you can contact her at 450-263-5300 or by email at

As soon as they arrive, all apprentices fill out a form relating to authorization to take photos, testimonies, reports or newspaper articles, as well as their distribution. At any time, apprentices can change their mind and refuse the distribution of their image or testimonials. Therefore, individuals have the choice of being photographed or filmed.

As mentioned above, all employees and volunteers sign the confidentiality policy as an obligation to respect it. Confidential participant information is part of the organization’s normal recordkeeping tasks, such as maintaining contact information, documenting work or volunteer situations, and enabling administrative tasks required or permitted by law.

If an employee, apprentice or member notices a confidentiality incident, he or she must absolutely inform the general management to register it in the Register, where the information of this incident will be kept for 5 years. An intervention will also be undertaken to remedy the situation. The organization manages the destruction of confidential information. Authorization will be required from the person before using their information of any nature.

A formal complaint can be filed with the general management if confidential information has been used in a manner contrary to a provision.


Pleins Rayons redonne une dignité à ses apprentis par l’entremise de projets où tous se réalisent et jouissent du succès. Chaque action entreprise à Pleins Rayons a une incidence directe sur la communauté, ce qui permet aux apprentis de rayonner et ainsi de s’accomplir en tant qu’individu en ayant un rôle social actif en plus de répondre à un besoin fondamental, la reconnaissance.



Pleins Rayons innove sans cesse dans le but d’offrir des activités et des services de qualité. De plus, chaque projet procure des retombées environnementales dans la région, soit par le recyclage des matières (vélos, bois, vêtements, tissus, métaux, etc.), la création de nichoirs pour aider les agriculteurs à contrôler les insectes ravageurs et autres initiatives similaires.



Des projets enrichissants permettent le développement d’habiletés socioprofessionnelles concrètes. L’approche permet de valoriser les acquis et les forces de chacun en visant l’accomplissement de soi par l’inclusion sociale ou l’embauche. La créativité s’illustre aussi par des offres diverses aux apprentis, l’entraide, la fabrication ou la restauration d’articles destinés à la collectivité.