Our organization is specifically adapted to the needs of our participants. Plein Rayons offers a dynamic team of 4 members to guide our clients. Our organization offers 35 hours of services per week to individuals between 15 and 35 years of age, in a safe, comfortable and welcoming environment. Our participants are directly involved in social economic projects with humanitarian and environmental aspects:
- A bicycle mechanic workshop which includes six professionally equipped bike stands to refurbish recycled bicycles. Participants learn basic bicycle mechanics, as well as, classification, and organization of bike parts. The bicycles are then freely distributed to schools in Brome-Missisquoi and other communities in need.
- A woodworking workshop to build birdhouses for insectivorous birds. Our participants build, install, and maintain the birdhouses, as well as, study the occupation levels. The goal is to install them in multiple municipalities in order to help agricultural businesses reduce the use of insecticides.
- A demolition workshop which consists of taking apart all the bicycles that cannot be refurbished to either recycle the metal or reuse the parts.
- A work experience workshop at the Vignoble de l’Orpailleur in which our participants are involved in several different tasks related to maintaining a vineyard.
- A snack bar – a project entirely designed and organized by our participants which gives them a chance to practice their customer service skills, as well as managing a cash register and an inventory system.
- A recreational therapy aspect – in order to improve quality of life and increase autonomy in our clients, we initiate them to a variety of leisure activities to help diversify their social recreational time. Because we feel strongly about social inclusion, we also participate in several recreational activities offered in the surrounding communities.